If you are interested in affiliate marketing then Wealthy Affiliates is exactly where you need to be online to learn the ins and outs of this sometimes tricky trade. The good news is that right now you can lock in a lifetime rate of $29.99 per month. The not so good news is that those rates are going to go up May 6. If you join prior to May 6 you will be able to remain a member at the original rates for as long as you maintain your membership. Those that join after this important date will pay the greater rate for their membership privileges and membership in this exclusive forum offers many privileges.

So what do you get for your monthly membership fee. First of all, you get the collective knowledge of Kyle and Carson who have both been there and done that in the world of affiliate marketing and have a lot of valuable insights on where affiliate marketing has been but, more importantly, where affiliate marketing is going. These great guys are constantly looking to the future and offer their combined knowledge, expertise, and talents to members.

But that's not all. If you are like me the mere thought of putting together a website makes you break out in hives. Honestly, I think that creating websites has been the one thing that has prevented me from joining the ranks of affiliate marketers across the globe for almost two years. I hate dealing with html, xml, css, and all of the other nerve wracking abbreviations that are involved in the design of a web page. Wealthy Affiliate solves that problem for you with Site Rubix. It's an easy to use website builder that even web page dummies like me can use to create websites that are ready to go in a matter of minutes rather than days without sleep and keeping my hair in my head.

Of course there are many more reasons to join that I will discuss in future posts. I just thought it was important to let you know that prices will be rising soon. If you want to reserve all the benefits of membership that Wealthy Affiliates has to offer its members at today's great rates you need to take the plunge soon.

Let Wealthy Affiliates show you how to make money affiliate marketing today. You'll wonder why you waited so long.